Sunday, January 30, 2011

Iceland Review Online: Daily News from Iceland, Current Affairs, Business, Politics, Sports, Culture

Iceland Review Online: Daily News from Iceland, Current Affairs, Business, Politics, Sports, Culture: "An American billionaire and internet innovator Brewter Kahle met with Industrial Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir and Interior Minister Ögmundur Jónasson to discuss the possibilty that Iceland move all its books to digital form."

This is a great idea. I have a ebook reader and really enjoy it. I read more now than I ever have in the past.
Of course, my books, North Pole Lost and Justice at Salem are both available in digital form.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kensington Celebrates Day of the Book

On Sunday, April 17, 2001 I will be at the Kensington Bookstore's Day of the Book event selling copies of North Pole Lost and Justice at Salem. I might also give a short talk on the subject of the Salem witch trials.

I hope to see you there.

Book sales and Kindle

Sales of Justice at Salem have been remarkably good recently with books going out to such diverse places as Atlanta, GA, Hartford, CT, Tampa, FL, Tucson, AZ, and Washington, DC. Sales have also been decent in the UK as well.

Kindle sales have been extremely good. Right now the price is only .99 cents, which is a steal. The formatting isn't perfect, but it is still easy to read. I am getting the Kindle version professionally updated and will probably increase the price as well, to about $1.99 as a result. That should be done in the next week or two.  The book will also soon be available as an Epub so you can read it on other Ereaders. Hope to get an ebook version on Barnes and Noble and other sites.

I really appreciate the interest in my book. Please keep in touch with me through our Facebook Page, this blog, or the book's website. If you enjoyed the book a positive review on Amazon or Google would be greatly appreciated.